Cheapest Cost Per Unit


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Cost per unit comparison made easy! Sometimes the cost per unit is provided by the store. Sometimes it isn't. And sometimes the product is on sale and the cost per unit on the store label is inaccurate. Use this app to calculate which of two products is the cheapest and save some money along the way.Start by entering the price, quantity, size, and unit of the first product. Do the same for the second product. Tap "Calculate!" and the cheapest product will be highlighted in green showing the equivalent cost per unit.
Shake the device to clear the form values to start over.
Volume Units include:
* fluid ounces* cups* pints* quarts* gallons* milliliters* liters
Weight Units include:
* ounces* pounds* milligrams* grams* kilograms
Length Units include:
* inches* feet* yards* miles* nautical miles* millimeters* centimeters* meters* kilometers